This tool will help to fix some (not all) of the causes of "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly." message from Google contacts sync
DISLAIMER: this app is free. No obligation to pay. I will be gratefull for you buying the PRO version to support my work but you can use this app for free - just click "Fix" button. Please email me before posting bad ratings. Also note that I'm unable to fix all possible causes of sync failure.
This app addresses some issues with Google cloud sync. It does not fix any issues with anything else (Facebook, "stopped working" messages, etc.)
If this app does not work for you - it's because there are multiple causes for this error message. I've fixed some of those and I do not commit to fix all of them. If you really need help - try to send logs to me via alogcat or via the app itself.
***IMPORTANT: Always do a full contacts backup before running this application.***
In ad-supported version you will need to run fix every time you see a sync problem. If you buy PRO version you will be able to disable ads and get automatic fixes for all newly added contacts. There is no need to recreate account.
Please note that if your sync was broken for a long time - you may have to manually confirm big amount of deletions during first sync after running this fix. See notification area for details.
If you are still getting an error after running this application - click Send Log button right after sync fail attempt. It will send me an email (you will be able to review it first) with error log data (if it finds any).
Keywords: syncprovider, syncadapter, fix, sync, google
Error message to be fixed in Spanish: En este momento hay incidencias con la sincronización. Se restablecerá en breve.
Error message to be fixed in Japanese: 現在同期で問題が発生しています。しばらくお待ちください。.
Error message to be fixed in South Korean: 현재 동기화에 문제가 발생했습니다. 잠시 후에 다시 실행됩니다.
Error message to be fixed in German: Bei der Synchronisierung treten momentan Probleme auf. Sie wird in Kürze fortgesetzt.
Error message to be fixed in French: La synchronisation rencontre des problèmes et sera bientôt rétablie.
Error message to be fixed in Chinese: 目前同步處理發生問題。稍後會回復正常。.
Error message to be fixed in Italian: La sincronizzazione presenta dei problemi. Riprenderà a breve.
Error message to be fixed in Dutch: Er zijn momenteel problemen met de synchronisatie. Synchronisatie wordt snel opnieuw uitgevoerd.
Error message to be fixed in Arabic: تواجه المزامنة حاليًا بعض المشاكل. وسوف تكون متاحة خلال وقت قصير.
Error message to be fixed in Turkish: Şu anda senkronizasyon sorunları yaşanıyor. Kısa süre sonra düzeltilecek.
DISLAIMER:这个程序是免费的。没有义务支付。我会gratefull你购买PRO版本,以支持我的工作,但你可以使用这个应用程序免费 - 只需点击“修复”按钮。张贴差评之前,请给我发电子邮件。另外请注意,我无法修复同步失败的所有可能的原因。
如果该应用程序不为你工作 - 这是因为有此错误消息的多种原因。我已经解决其中的一些,我不承诺解决所有问题。如果你真的需要帮助 - 尝试通过alogcat或通过应用程序本身将日志发送给我。
请注意,如果您的同步被打破很长一段时间 - 你可能需要在运行此修复程序后手动确认第一个同步过程中缺失的大金额。详情请参阅通知区域。
如果你还在运行此应用程序后,收到错误 - 点击发送日志按钮后马上同步失败的尝试。它将给我发送电子邮件(你将可以先复习吧),错误日志数据(如果发现任何)。
被固定在西班牙的错误消息:恩角城时代报干草incidencias CON LAsincronización。硒restablecerá恩短音。
要固定在韩国的错误消息:현재동기화에문제가발생했습니다。 잠시후에다시실행됩니다。
被固定在德国的错误消息:北德Synchronisierung treten momentan Probleme AUF。 SIE wird在Kürzefortgesetzt。
被固定在意大利语中的错误消息:香格里拉sincronizzazione presenta代problemi。 Riprenderà一个短音。
要固定在荷兰的错误消息:呃zijn momenteel problemen会见德synchronisatie。 Synchronisatie wordt SNEL opnieuw uitgevoerd。
被固定在阿拉伯语中的错误消息:تواجهالمزامنةحاليابعضالمشاكل。 وسوفتكونمتاحةخلالوقتقصير。
被固定在土耳其的错误消息:苏安达senkronizasyonsorunlarıyaşanıyor。 KISA确保sonradüzeltilecek。